Hi, I’m Cerie, a former pro basketball player and adventurous traveler  who has spent 10+ years living abroad and traveling throughout Europe. I’m passionate about staying active on the go, and am on a mission to explore Europe by two feet and two wheels, from Northumberland to the Mediterranean Sea. Whether hitting the road, slopes, or trails, I view every destination as a new adventure!

Is Luxembourg worth Visiting? 10 Reasons You Should Visit Luxembourg

Is Luxembourg worth visiting? If you have ever wondered if you should visit Luxembourg, keep reading to learn more about why this small and relatively unknown country at the heart of Europe is worth visiting!

Having spent three years of my life living in the Grand Duchy, I consider Luxembourg to be my second home. This is where my adventures in Europe began, and my love for Europe is a result of this charming little country in the heart of Europe. While many tourists flock to the more well-known countries and cities, there are so many wonderful places to visit in Luxembourg.

From history, to food, to wine, and a very unique culture, Luxembourg has it all. There are so many things to do in Luxembourg, and this little country is a hidden gem in the European Union and well worth a visit for the curious traveler.

Here are the top 10 reasons you should visit Luxembourg.

1. Luxembourg has a rich history

luxembourg royal palace

Luxembourg was founded on a compromise, and the country’s history runs deep. Given its location, it has played a prominent role throughout history, and today stands as a strong, independent country and vital member of the European Union. The capital, Luxembourg City, sits on a fortress, giving it an impressive appearance and an obvious nod to its historical roots. Whether you only explore Luxembourg City, or get out into the countryside, you will come face to face with the country’s deep history at every turn.

2. There’s an amazing blend of cultures

Given its size and geographical location, Luxembourg has evolved into a blend of several cultures. While the Luxembourgish people are proud and independent with a strong sense of identity, they have embraced their border countries and the cultural influences that come with them. Luxembourg is heavily influenced by France, Germany and Belgium in terms of language, culture and cuisine. This creates an interesting dynamic with road signs and menus in multiple languages, depending on where you go within the country. Luxembourg City has also evolved to become quite an international hub, so the blending of cultures only continues to increase as new expatriates flock to Luxembourg from every corner of the world.

3. The food is fantastic

Travel to Luxembourg for the history, and stay for the food! As a result of it being a cultural melting pot, Luxembourg is a food powerhouse. While there are many classic Luxembourg dishes to indulge in (my favorite is the kniddelen), the cuisine is heavily influenced by neighboring countries France, Germany and Belgium, which means you get the very best of all their cuisines from spectacular pastries, to beers, and sausages. There are also plenty of immigrants from all over Europe who have influenced the food scene in Luxembourg, so you can really get the best of the best. My love for European foods was born in Luxembourg, and fellow foodies will be pleasantly surprised by the exciting food scene here!

4. Luxembourg produces excellent wines

luxembourg vineyards

Although not as famous for its wines as its neighbor France, Luxembourg is a significant producer of excellent wines and crémants. Head to the Moselle River region on the eastern border with Germany, and taste the regional wines to your heart’s desire. There are loads of wineries lining this beautiful section of the country where you can drop in for a tasting while taking in breathtaking views of the river and surrounding vineyards. Luxembourg produces delicious white and rosé wines, crémants (sparking wines) as well as some reds. While the quality of the wines rival some of those in France, the lower prices make them much more accessible.

Start by going to Caves St Martin where you can taste wine, learn about wine production, and also tour the caves. Even if you are not a fan of wine, the Moselle region is one of the best places to visit in Luxembourg, and my personal favorite!

5. Getting to Luxembourg is easy

Luxembourg is at the heart of western Europe, and is easy to get to via plane, rail, or car. Paris, Frankfurt and Brussels are all within two hours by train, which makes getting to Luxembourg really easy. There are also direct flights from multiple destinations throughout Europe daily. Regardless of where you are in Europe or abroad, there are lots of options to get to Luxembourg and the state of the art transit systems making traveling here a breeze.

6. Luxembourg is a great place to visit on a bigger Europe trip

Since Luxembourg is centrally located and easy to get to, it’s a great place to visit during a larger European trip. You can easily pass through Luxembourg en route to another destination, either for a day trip or a longer stay. If you are short on time, Luxembourg city’s size makes it a perfect day trip destination that can be accessed easily by public transportation. With more time you can explore beyond the city, much of which is accessible by public transportation as well as by car.

7. Luxembourg is not overly touristy

Although there are plenty of Luxembourg tourist attractions, the country itself is not overly touristy which makes it a wonderful place to visit. Many people don’t know much about the country and opt for other destinations instead, which leaves the open-minded traveler with a great opportunity to explore this unspoiled country without the crowds. Unsurprisingly, Luxembourg City attracts the most tourists, however crowds drop off as soon as you leave the capital city and explore the quaint villages and towns dotting the beautiful countryside.

8. You can learn some Luxembourgish

Schwätz du Lëtzebuergesch? You likely don’t speak Luxembourgish, but you can learn some if you visit Luxembourg! While the country has three official languages including Luxembourgish, French and German, Luxembourgish is the true cultural identity here. Luxembourgish is a blend of all three proudly spoken by locals. Learn a few Luxembourgish words and return from your trip with a very unique souvenir that you can tell your friends back home about!

9. You can visit Schengen

Explore the namesake for the Schengen area by visiting the little village of Schengen in the southeast part of Luxembourg. This is where the borders of France, Germany and Luxembourg all meet and is the birthplace of the Schengen Zone. Visit the Schengen Museum to learn more about this significant corner of the continent and the history of the European border free zone. Given its significance in the EU, this is one of the biggest Luxembourg tourist attractions outside of the capital city, and people travel from all over Europe to come here.

10. You can visit a hidden gem within Europe

The best part about Luxembourg is that it’s off the beaten path and not on most people’s travel itinerary. The unique culture, people, and geographical location are what make this little country so special. The surrounding countries are heavily visited, which allows Luxembourg to fly under the radar. Luxembourg is a hidden gem with its own rich history and identity, and the curious traveler who decides to visit will be rewarded.

Many travelers who visit Europe find themselves wondering if it is worth visiting Luxembourg. Luxembourg doesn’t get as much fanfare as some of its neighboring countries, it’s one of Europe’s best kept secrets. Luxembourg was the first country I ever visited in Europe, and I immediately fell in love it. This country is full of uniqueness, charm and culture and is where my own adventures in Europe began. Take the road less traveled and visit Luxembourg on your next trip!

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